Stai acasă toata ziua şi nu ai dizabilităţi care te împiedică să ieşi?
Eşti jobless pentru că alegi să fii aşa?
Ai un cont de Facebook pe care postezi de mai mult de 2-3 ori pe zi şi te lansezi în discuţii de minim 20 de commenturi la un link? (linkurile foarte amzuante sau scăpările ocazionale nu se pun)
Preferi să vezi ce mai e pe wall decât să te duci să te uşurezi?
Mâna ta a luat forma joystikului de la PS4/Wii?
Ai încercat deja cel puţin odată să traduci "joystick" prin "baţul-fericirii"?
Nici nu cred că trebuie să mai precizez că dacă ai răspuns cu "da" la cel puţin o întrebare dintre cele de mai sus... bad news, man!
Şi acum, pentru că mereu încerc să vad ce altceva s-a mai scris despre subiectul pe care l-am abordat în post, va las în compania unui "wanna-be-no-lifer". Nu credeam că poţi face din "a nu avea viaţă socială whatsoever" un ţel. Still...
~How do I become a no-lifer with no job and no social life?
So today I have decided I hate people and I do not want to work, I want to be housed by the government and live the rest of my life alone playing video games, watching films, etc.
Where do I start?
Any advice is GREATLY appreciated
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
First off - Great question! I mean that.
The first step is to become a Democrat. But the question kind of tells us you already are. Second thing to do is go get some of the free money O'bama's giving away - it's everywhere. And don't worry about anybody but yourself and forget about the future. I forgot you are already a democrat - sorry. With the grants you get for education, buy a bag of green stuff and roll-up. OK, now you are ready to be a liberal for the rest of your life. Always expect the government to do everything for you - you should not have to do anything because you decided you did not want to - good enough.
Now go out and find like minded people that are not in jail yet. Stike off, and start your own settlement where nobody got to do nothing they don't want to. Try to take as many worthless entitled people with you as you can find. Don't worry about getting lost because we will find You!
Send me a postcard after you all starve. It would be a nice touch.
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Other Answers
Lots of my white neighbors have got themselves a crooked doctor and lawyer who get them declared disabled, and they get an income after proving they're sick or crazy. It's a way of life in the states that vote Republican, for some reason. You can probably find lawyers' commercials while you're watching Jerry Springer or Maury Povich.
the best in the west
I think this question is fake but if you hate people you could just get a job that doesn't involve people. Also, how do you plan to get the government to pay for your life? Because if that's true I will just drop out of school and join you on this free government thing.
Funny Liberal lol.
I'm warning you. Unless you have a real generous family living on food stamps and government dole isn't as fun as it sounds. A lot of Top Ramen and mustard bread. Forget about the video games you're lucky if you have enough to eat.
Self Employment man. You can start there, then get injured, let your own insurance cover it, and you'll be good to go!~
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